Framework program
Arrival of participants
9:00 – 9:45 |
Plenary lecture |
9:00–9:45 |
Plenary lecture |
9:55 – 10:40 |
Plenary lecture |
9:55–10:40 |
Session lecture |
10:40–11:15 |
Coffee break/Poster session, hall on a 3rd floor in building A3 and underpass between A3 and A4 |
10:40–11:15 |
Coffee break, underpass between A3 and A4 |
11:15–12:00 |
Plenary lecture |
11:15–12:00 |
Session lectures |
12:00–13:00 |
Registration, Building A3, entrance hall |
12:10-12:55 |
Plenary lecture |
12:10 –12:55 |
Plenary lecture |
12:55–13:00 |
Closing |
13:00–14:00 |
Lunch, Krakus Restaurant, Str. Reymonta 15 |
13:00–14:00 |
Lunch, Krakus Restaurant, Str. Reymonta 15 |
13:00–14:00 |
Lunch, Krakus Restaurant, Str. Reymonta 15 |
14:00–14:10 |
Opening, Building A3, room 103 |
14:00–14:45 |
Plenary lecture |
Departure of participants |
14:10–14:55 |
T. Iwaniec, Cauchy-Kowalewska Theorem w geometri Riemanowskiej, Building A3, room 103 |
14:55–15:00 |
Conference photo |
15:00–15:30 |
Coffee break, underpass between A3 and A4 |
14:45–15:15 |
Coffee break, underpass between A3 and A4 |
15:00–15:45 |
A. Celletti, Integrable versus non-integrable systems in Celestial Mechanics |
15:15–17:00 |
Session lectures |
16:00-18:30 |
Session lectures, Building A3, rooms 303, 304 and building B7, rooms |
17:00–18:30 |
Panel discussion “Mobbing at the universities” |
19:00 |
Welcome Reception, Building A3, room 103 |
19:00 |
SKWM Dinner, Krakus Restaurant, Str. Reymonta 15 |
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make changes in the schedule