Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

9:00 – 9:45 S. Domoradzki, Sofia Kowalewska-the first woman professor holding a university chair, Building A3, room 103/Chair – U. Foryś

9:55 – 10:40 M. Lewicka,  Quantitative immer-sability of Riemann metrics and the infinite hierarchy of prestrained shell models, Building A3, room 103/Chair – U. Foryś

10:40–11:15 Coffee break/Poster session, hall on a 3rd floor in building A3 and underpass between A3 and A4

11:15–12:00 J. Boroński,  On mathematical gems of Krystyna Kuperberg, and how they got to me, Building A3, room 103/Chair – E. Schmeidel

12:10-12:55 A. Zatorska-Goldstein, Women in PDE's - regularity issues for nonlinear equations and systems, Building A3, room 103/Chair – E. Schmeidel

13:00–14:00 Lunch, Krakus Restaurant, Str. Reymonta 15

14:00–14:45 A. Żeromska, Mathematical thinking and learning, Building A3, room 103/Chair – M. Migda

14:45–15:15 Coffee break, underpass between A3 and A4

15:15–17:00 Session lectures

17:00-18:30 Panel discussion “Mobbing at the universities”, Building A3, room 103/Moderator - U. Foryś

19:00 SKWM Dinner, Krakus Restaurant, Str. Reymonta 15


Session: Topology and Dynamical systems, Building A3,  room 103

15:15-15:35  M. Rees, An Awkward Graph

15:40–16:00, O. Lukina, Invariant random subgroups for Cantor group actions

16:05-16:25 L. Alvin, Topological entropy of Markov set-valued functions

16:30–16:50 V. Martínez de la Vega, Topological Mixing and UPE


 Session: Applied Mathematics, Building A3,  room 303

15:15-15:35 Z. Rychlik, On the Random Functional Central Limit Theorems with Almost Sure Convergence

15:40–16:00 P. Wojda, Oriented Gaussian beams for high-accuracy computation with accuracy control of X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system

16:05-16:25 K. Tessmer, Symbolic Transfer Entropy, Permutation Transfer Entropy and Transcript Mutual Information for the assessment of heart rate and systolic blood pressure coupling

16:30–16:50  A. Orpel, Positive solutions of singular elliptic problems in exterior domains


Session: Didactics, Building A3, room 304

15:15-15:35  A. Żeromska, Fundamental of teaching mathematics at university level

15:40–16:00 R. Długosz, Rodzaje metod nauczania stosowanych na uczelni technicznej

16:05-16:25 M.Lindner, Wprowadzenie do geometrii rózniczkowej i rachunku tensorowego – próby radzenia sobie z niedostatkami wyobraźni geometrycznej