The registration fee covers breakfasts (if needed), lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception and conference dinner.

Fee for regular registration (until June 30, 2019)  - 400 PLN

Registration fee from July 1, 2019  - 500 PLN

Payment information

In order to complete your registration you need to pay the registration fee. Please pay the registration fee to:


Idea Bank SA
Oddział w Rzeszowie
Al. Rejtana 23, 35-326 Rzeszów


PTKM, ul. S. Pigonia 1, 35-310 Rzeszów

Account number:

19 1950 0001 2006 4689 1891 0002 (within Poland)
IBAN: PL 19 1950 0001 2006 4689 1891 0002 (from abroad)

Please mention, as additional information:  SKWM 2019